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Stay Healthy

Throughout the course of the summer there will be periods of unhealthy high temperatures and humidity. Drink plenty of water throughout the course of each day, wear light colored clothing and take frequents breaks in an air conditioned environment.

If someone becomes is sweating profusely with a pale skin color and is ill with any or all of the following symptoms; cramps, light headiness, dizziness, shortness of breath and nausea; remove them to a shady or air conditioned area, provide them with water and cool wet compresses to help reduce their body temperature. These symptoms could indicate that the person is possibly suffering from heat exhaustion. If their condition does not improve within a matter of a couple minutes; call 911.

If a person is experiencing similar symptoms and goes unconscious, does not display signs of sweating and skin color is red; call 911 immediately as this person may be experiencing heat stroke; a life threatening condition. Relocate this person to a shady or air conditioned area, provide cold compresses and loosen clothing in order to reduce this person's body temperature. Do not provide any fluids to an unconscious person.