Commercial Property Improvement Program
Program Goals:
The goal of the Commercial Property Improvement Program is to boost the economic performance of obsolete and underperforming retail centers, especially in the cases of retail centers and spaces located in strong trade areas with high visibility. This will be done by providing grant incentives to improve appearance and enhance the retail experience for Prince George’s County residents.
All related CPIP questions/inquiries can be emailed to:
CPIP@co.pg.md.us or leave a Voice Message: 301-883-3623
Community Impact Grant Program
Program Goals:
The goal of the Community Impact Grant Program (CIG) is to provide small capital grants to community-based organizations within Prince George’s County to implement small innovative projects within priority areas, as identified by the redevelopment authority, to help strengthen communities while building organizational capacity.
All related CIG questions/inquiries can be emailed to:
CommImpGrants@co.pg.md.us or leave a Voice Message: 301-883-3175