Community Impact Grants
The purpose of the Community Impact Grant Program (CIG) is to provide small capital grants to community-based organizations within Prince George’s County to implement small innovative projects within priority areas, as identified by the redevelopment authority, to help strengthen communities while building organizational capacity.
Any civic/neighborhood association or community-based organization that is an incorporated 501C3, located within Prince George’s County, that is in good standing with the State of Maryland, can apply for funding.
Additional Requirements
Previously funded applicants can reapply two years from the date of their formerly approved application. The grant cannot be used for projects funded in the past through the CIG. All prior CIG funds must be expended before submitting a new application.
Community-based organizations must demonstrate approval of the project by the local municipal leadership (example: Mayor or Council) where the project is located.
Grant Categories and Uses
Grants must be used for capital projects such as the purchase of equipment and materials. Grants cannot be used for operating cost, program costs, salaries or personnel. Proposed projects must fall under one of the following categories:
Neighborhood Beautification
- Streetscaping, street furniture, pedestrian enhancements and recreational improvements
- Signage to include Banners and way-finding systems
- Commercial façade improvements
- Internal and/or external improvements to commercial buildings used by the public
- Permanent public art installations
Environment, Natural Resources and sustainability
- Restoration of parks, streams and open space
- Urban agriculture and replenishment of the tree canopy
- Green roofs, low impact development and storm water management
- Preservation of historic landmarks, structures, and sites
Questions/Inquiries related to the CIG Program can be emailed to:
CommImpGrants@co.pg.md.us or Voice Mail 301-883-3175