RDA 2024 Resolutions

Redevelopment Authority Resolutions


  • Resolution 2024-01: A Resolution authorizing the appointment of the Executive Director: Jacqueline West-Spencer as an authorized signatory for the Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program Account with Capital One.
  • Resolution 2024-02: A Resolution authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of Prince George s County to
    enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Town of Capitol Heights.
  • Resolution 2024-03: A resolution authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of Prince George 's County to acquire certain 
    real property known as 708 Harry S. Truman Drive, Largo, Maryland.
  • Resolution 2024-04: A resolution authorizing the Redevelopment Authority of Prince George's County to purchase certain 
    real property known as 100 Garret A. Morgan Boulevard in Landover.