Home for the Holidays in Prince George's

Make a difference this holiday season! Spread joy and warmth by giving to those in need.
Prince George's County Police Department (PGPD)
Parks & Recreation
Sneaker & Socks Teen Holiday Giveback

Festival of Lights
2.5 million LED lights throughout the park and a giant, 54-foot LED musical tree!
Enjoy a three-mile drive filled with fun and colorful lights and celebrate the magic of the season from the comfort of your vehicle.
Celebrate the holiday season with PG Parks and Recreation! With concerts, ice skating, and crafts from candlemaking to cookies, there's an event for everyone.
Holiday Stress
Statistics show that incidents of domestic violence typically rise during the holidays, brought on by stress and other factors related to the season. Explore resources and share with a friend who may need help.
It's okay to feel sad or stressed during the holidays. Whether you are missing loved ones, experiencing grief, or having a hard time, we offer resources and connections to mental health support.
Holiday Waste Collection
Trash and recycling schedules may slide by one day for holidays. Check the holiday schedule for collection dates and times.