Enhanced Security Grant Program
For FY 2024, the Prince George’s County Government is focused on the importance of information sharing and collaboration to building a national culture of preparedness and protecting against hate/bias crimes, terrorism, and other threats to our County. The threats to our nation have evolved during the past two decades. We now face continuous cyber threats by sophisticated actors, threats to soft targets and crowded places, and threats from domestic violent extremists who currently pose the greatest terrorism threat to the nation. As a result of increased hatred in our society, many ethnic, faith, and minority groups are increasingly concerned about their communities.
The objective of the Enhanced Security Grant Program (ESGP) is to provide funding for physical and cybersecurity enhancements and other security-related activities to organizations qualifying as a nonprofit at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack. The ESGP also seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of organizations with County preparedness efforts.
The ESGP intentionally seeks to assist faith-based venues with a higher risk of vulnerability. Adversaries may perceive houses of worship as attractive targets where they can inflict mass casualties, cause substantial psychological impacts, and draw extensive media coverage. Prince George’s County Government is forging partnerships with the faith-based community to offer resources to assist faith-based and community organizations with their efforts to prepare for all types of hazards, whether natural or man-made.
Given the evolving threat landscape, Prince George’s County Government has evaluated the local risk profile and set priorities that help ensure appropriate allocation of scarce security dollars. In assessing the local risk profile for FY 2024, three areas warrant the most concern under the ESG:
- Enhancing the protection of qualified institutions to include hiring contracted security personnel (off-duty police and/or private security companies);
- Purchase of security equipment;
- Safety training and awareness campaign
Additional resources and information regarding cybersecurity and cybersecurity performance goals are available through the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Cross-Sector Cybersecurity Performance Goals, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Performance Measures
Performance metrics for this program are:
- Percentage of funding awarded for contract security;
- Cybersecurity training;
- Percentage of funding awarded for training and awareness campaigns.
- Available Funding for the ESGP: $50,000
- Projected Number of Awards: 10-12
- Maximum Award Amount: $5,000 (one site); $10,000 (multiple sites)
- Period of Performance: 12 months
Applicant Eligibility Criteria
Organizations that would qualify as nonprofit or nonprofit organizations. Note: Nonprofits are defined below:
- Described under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (IRC) and exempt from tax under section 501(a) of such code. This includes entities designated as “private” (e.g., private institutions of higher learning), as private colleges and universities can also be designated as 501c3 entities. Note: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not require certain organizations such as churches, mosques, and synagogues to apply for and receive a recognition of exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the IRC. Such organizations are automatically exempt if they meet the requirements of section 501(c)(3). These organizations are not required to provide recognition of exemption. For organizations that the IRS requires to apply for and receive recognition of exemption under section 501(c)(3), the state may or may not require recognition of exemption, as long as the method chosen is applied consistently.
- Able to demonstrate, through the application, that the organization is at high risk of hate/bias crimes, terrorist or other extremist attack; increased security measures would provide greater protection to consumers; and
- Located in Prince George’s County, MD; and
- Designated as high-risk Identification and substantiation of current or persistent threats or attacks (from within or outside the United States) by a terrorist organization, network, or cell against the applicant based on their ideology, beliefs, and/or mission as:
- an ideology based/spiritual/religious;
- educational;
- medical; or
- other nonprofit entity that would qualify as a nonprofit responding to or recovering from terrorist or other extremist attacks;
- Alignment between the project activities requested within the physical or cyber vulnerabilities identified in the organization’s vulnerability assessment;
- Integration of nonprofit preparedness with broader state and local preparedness effort
Application and Submission Guidelines
Nonprofits will be required to submit the following:
- Completed Investment Justification Application (PDF Format)
- IRS Determination Letter (if applicable)
- Proof of Good Standing Letter (Dated on or after September 1, 2023)
- Project Budget
Download Application
Download and complete the Enhanced Security Grant Application:
Enhanced Security Grant Application (PDF)
Apply by Email
Submit completed application(s) and supporting documentation via email.
Mail to: 311onthego@co.pg.md.us
One or Multiple Locations
Each nonprofit may only represent one site/location/physical address per application. For example, a nonprofit with one site may apply for up to $5,000 for that site. Nonprofits with multiple sites (multiple locations/physical addresses) may choose to apply for additional sites at up to $5,000 per site for a maximum of two sites, not to exceed $10,000 per funding stream.
Cost Share or Match
There is no cost share requirement for the ESG. Applicants that propose a cost share will not receive additional consideration in the scoring.
Key Dates and Times
Application Opens: 12/1/2023
Application Submission Deadline: Rolling application submission until funds are exhausted.
Application Review Process
- Applications will be reviewed upon receipt.
- The review process will take approximately 15 days.
- Applicants granted to proceed with project submission will receive an award notification packet that outlines the approved project amount awarded and the grant compliance guidelines.
- Applicants who are not granted funding will receive a denial letter.
- Successful applicants will be assigned a grant liaison for the duration of the project.