Heat Warning in Effect

County urges caution during this severe weather event. Visit mypgc.us/StayCool for more info.

Trash Time Change

Due to extreme heat, trash collection throughout the county will begin at 5 am beginning Monday, July 15, 2024. Learn more at mypgc.us/ClearTheCurb.

Are there any reporting requirements?

Yes. All current and past grant recipients are required to submit a final financial expenditure report, as well as a final programmatic summary report detailing the outcomes achieved as a result of receiving grant funds. For more information regarding the County’s preferred report format and required attachments, please visit the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers website at:

www.washingtongrantmakers.com and visit the “Resources” webpage.

A link to the Common Grant Report is provided below:


This report is due 30 days after the end of your project. You must email a PDF copy to PGCNonprofits@co.pg.md.us.

Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers

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