Board of Education Task Force
The Prince George’s County Board of Education Task Force is established to study and review the duties, responsibilities, powers, and composition of the Prince George’s County Board of Education.
Forward Task Force
The Prince George’s Forward Task Force has been designed to guide our County Government’s approach to our path forward, navigating the complex and challenging COVID-19 recovery environment. The Task Force will develop a multi-pronged approach to address the impacts of COVID-19 on all Prince Georgians.
Recreation Blue Ribbon Work Group
This work group is charged with analyzing recreation services in the County currently provided by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) to determine the most efficient way to provide these services.
Returning Citizens Affairs Division
County Executive Angela Alsobrooks has been committed to strengthening reentry services since the start of her administration, including reentry as one of her Proud Priorities that she created in 2019. The administration’s goal was to better coordinate reentry services and find ways to strengthen those services through a centralized office.
Strategic Partnerships Division
Responsible for managing various corporate, nonprofit and governmental relationships while developing cross-sector relationships for the betterment and advancement of the county and its residents.