EDI Fund

Economic Development Corporation
1801 McCormick Drive, Suite 350
Largo, MD 20774
(301) 583-4601
Funding Level and Source
A $50 million – one-time appropriation has been approved to support multiple fiscal year appropriations to the EDI fund at $7 - $11 million level per year.
Program Goals
Expansion of the County’s commercial tax base, job retention, and attraction, support for small and local businesses, promotion of development and redevelopment opportunities, transit-oriented development, and growth of key industry sectors.
Eligible Uses
Land and building acquisitions, building construction and improvement, equipment acquisition, and working capital.
Program Criteria
Economic Impact
Measurable outcomes such as job creation and retention, broadening of the commercial tax base, increasing industry and commerce, job growth, and promoting local, minority, and small business development.
Alignment with County Development Goals and Priorities
The project adequately reflects the articulated goals for revitalization and is located in or adjacent to the developed tier and key strategic areas.
“But For” Test
Demonstration that the project would not move forward without offering of public incentives from the County.
Ability to leverage private funds, federal and state financial support, and incentive programs for strategic economic development opportunities for the State and County.
Program Administration
County Chief Administrative Officer – Inter-agency coordination of various economic development agencies
Office of Finance and Office of Management and Budget
Financial management and analysis, record keeping, collections, reporting and disbursement of funds, and analysis for compliance with terms and conditions of loan or grant agreements and goals.
Application Process
All applications are reviewed for consistency with the statutory goals and purposes of the program, with independent review of credit and financial soundness of the borrower, and projections. Application forms are on our website and at the Prince George’s County Economic Development Corporation. The review process is approximately 90 days. A checklist of documents and materials may be found on the website under Apply Now!