State Incentives
Base Realignment & Closure (BRAC) Zones
BRAC is the congressionally authorized process used by the Department of Defense to reorganize its base structure. The most recent iteration of base realignment was enacted as federal law in November 2005 and is known as BRAC 2005.
Enterprise Zone
Enterprise zones, while designated by the state, involve both state and local incentives. They are areas in which state and local governments offer tax credits and assistance to encourage the expansion of existing businesses and attraction of new business activity and jobs.
Priority Funding Areas
The 1997 Priority Funding Areas Act directs State funding for growth related infrastructure to places known as Priority Funding Areas (PFAs), providing a geographic focus for state investment in growth.
Sustainable Communities
The State of Maryland established the "Sustainable Communities" designation in order to strengthen reinvestment and revitalization in older communities.