Flyer featuring book jacket and image of author, Qamar-ul Huda

Qamar-ul Huda on "Reenvisioning Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in Islam"

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Join the Prince George’s County Office of Human Rights and the Prince George’s County Memorial Library System in conversation with Qamar-ul Huda about Reenvisioning Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in Islam.

Set a reminder to join us on YouTube .

Qamar-ul Huda’s new book examines the variety of strategic peacebuilding and conflict resolution activities conducted by Muslim practitioners and nongovernmental organizations in Muslim-majority communities. He explores ways that Muslim scholars, civil society members, and communities interpret violence and nonviolence, peacebuilding, and conflict resolution in an interconnected globalized age, focusing on methods, practices, and strategies. He shows how a faith-based commitment can empower effective social, political, and intellectual action that results in meaningful change. Qamar-ul Huda charts a vision of contemporary ethics of peacebuilding, pluralism, reconciliation, and dialogue. (Rowman & Littlefield) 

Qamar-ul Huda is the Michael E. Paul Distinguished Visiting Professor of International Affairs at the United States Naval Academy. He has previously served as Senior Policy Advisor for U.S. Department of State Secretary's Office for Religion and Global Affairs (S/RGA) where he focused on civil society, religious communities, and diplomacy with non-government organizations.