Get Involved
From helping to support victims, to working with legislators and policymakers, to volunteering in your community, there are many ways that you can get involved in the fight to end human trafficking.
Learn about Human Trafficking
Learn the signs and indicators of human trafficking so you can identify a potential trafficking victim.
Human trafficking awareness training is available for individuals, businesses, first responders, law enforcement, educators, and federal employees.
Be a conscientious and informed consumer.
Be aware of products you buy and where they come from.
Discover your slavery footprint and find out where the food and clothes you buy come from.
Check out the US Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor.
Encourage companies to take steps to investigate and prevent human trafficking in their supply chains and publish the information for consumer awareness.
Stay informed.
Set up web alerts to receive current human trafficking news.
Check out CNN’s Freedom Project for more stories on the different forms of human trafficking around the world.
Get Involved in Your Community
Volunteer for an organization that’s working to fight human trafficking or help survivors of human trafficking. Contact us to volunteer for PGCHTTF.
Host an awareness event to watch and discuss films about human trafficking.
Organize a fundraiser and donate the proceeds to an anti-trafficking organization.
Encourage your local schools to include human trafficking in their curricula. As a parent, educator, or school administrator, be aware of how traffickers target school-aged children.
Ask your place of worship to support a victim service provider or have a speaker make a presentation to your congregation.
Get Involved at Your School or Workplace
Businesses: Provide jobs, internships, skills training, and other opportunities to trafficking survivors.
Students: Take action on your campus.
Join or establish a club to raise awareness about human trafficking and initiate action throughout your local community.
Consider doing one of your research papers on a topic concerning human trafficking.
Request that human trafficking be included in university curricula.
Healthcare Providers: Learn how to identify the indicators of human trafficking and assist victims. Work with anti-trafficking organizations to extend low-cost or free healthcare services to human trafficking victims.
Journalists: Help guide public conversation about human trafficking. Here are some media best practices on how to effectively and responsibly report stories on human trafficking.
Attorneys: Offer human trafficking victims legal services, including support for those seeking benefits or special visas. Resources are available for attorneys representing victims of human trafficking.
Support Anti-Human Trafficking Legislation
Write to or meet with your local, state, and federal government representatives to let them know you care about combating human trafficking and ask what they are doing to address it.
Ask your state and local legislators to support increased penalties for traffickers and those business establishments that support, or ignore, trafficking in and around their businesses.