Language Access Services
Providing translations of vital documents
Prince George’s County Government bodies are required to identify, classify, and translate vital documents. These documents should be readily available for members of the public who need to access them in a language other than English. If those documents are not already prepared in the language of a person’s preference, the Prince George’s County Government body must have them translated into the requested language at no charge to the person who asked.
“Vital documents” refers to documents that impact access to Government services or benefits. Examples of vital documents may be:
- Complaint, consent, intake, release or waiver forms;
- Claim, application, or enrollment forms;
- Letters or notices pertaining to the reduction, denial, termination of services, programs, benefits, or that require a response from the customer;
- Time-sensitive communications, such as notices of deadlines related to hearings, investigations, or litigation;
- Notices of disciplinary action;
- Notices of rights, requirements, or responsibilities;
- Notices of determination;
- Notices regarding the availability of free language assistance services;
- Notices of Funding Availability (NOFA) and Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by the County body;
- Memorandums of Understandings (MOUs) and Grant or Work Agreements signed between the County body and other Prince George’s County government agencies, grantees, contractors, providers etc.;
- Social media communication (Facebook, Twitter etc.);
- Signs, flyers, brochures or posters announcing the County body's services;
- Documents relevant to the County body that have been translated into any foreign language;
- Mechanisms used to communicate with LEP/NEP, blind or hard of hearing individuals.
- Mechanisms used to collect LEP/NEP data; and
- Outreach activities targeting LEP/NEP communities.
Interpretation Services
Prince George’s County Government bodies are required to provide interpreters for any person requesting County government services in a language other than English. These interpreters may be over the phone, in person, or over Zoom or another internet platform.
County Government Employees who are looking for information about Language Access resources should email the Language Access Compliance Program Director at OHRStaff@co.pg.md.us for more detailed information and resources.