Language Access Complaint Investigation Process
To file a language access discrimination complaint, you must first complete and submit an initial inquiry form. Complaint forms are also available in our office. The information provided in the complaint form will help LACP determine if we have jurisdiction over the case. If we do, you will be scheduled for a preliminary intake interview.
We recommend that any complaints of language access discrimination are reported to the LACP within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory action.
The following information must be included on any initial complaint inquiry:
- The Complainant’s complete name and address
- The Respondent’s (party or entity against whom the complaint is made) complete name and address
- A statement describing the alleged discrimination with a description of who, when and how it occurred, and
- The date(s) of the allegation of discrimination.
Intake Interview
We will conduct the preliminary intake interview in person, by video conference, or by phone to collect more information on a potential complaint. If during the Complainant’s intake interview, we determine that there is enough evidence to establish a formal Charge of Discrimination, we will create the Charge and ask you to review and sign it. Once the Charge is signed, a case number will be assigned for the handling of cases.
Pre-investigation Meeting
Once the Charge of Discrimination has been signed, the Language Access Compliance Program Director (LA Director) will attempt to schedule a conference session with the parties in the hopes of reaching an agreement or resolution. If the parties reach an agreement during the conference, the case will be closed. If no settlement agreement is reached, the LA Director will launch a full investigation into the allegation(s).
The purpose of the investigation is to determine if there is sufficient reason or evidence to suggest that a discriminatory behavior has taken place. The LA Director will email the Director and Language Access Compliance Program Coordinator of the County government body involved to provide the Charge of Discrimination. Throughout the investigation, members of the Language Access Program Division will do site visits, request documents, interview witnesses, and if necessary, convene a fact-finding conference.
Upon completion of the investigation, the LA Director will examine the investigation’s report and findings, based on the requirements and responsibilities of the Language Access for Public Services Act of 2017 and Amendments of 2020.
After reviewing the investigation report and findings, a Letter of Determination (LOD) will be issued explaining the findings and making a final decision. If the County government body is found not to be in compliance of Language Access law, the LOD will describe the steps that the entity in question must take to become complaint with the law.
Non-compliance Findings
The LA Director will schedule a meeting with the Director and the Language Access Compliance Program Coordinator of the County government body in question to discuss the corrective action. This meeting should take place within 30 days of the date in which the LA Director issues a finding of non-compliance. The County government body involved will have 15 days to comply with the corrective action.
If this mandatory action is disregarded, the Office of the County Executive will be notified.
If any party disagrees with the LOD, they are entitled to file an appeal.