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How do I know if I live within an ERC area?

There are 9 neighborhoods distinguished as being an ERC: Bladensburg - East Riverdale; Forestville; Hillcrest Heights - Marlow Heights; Kentland - Palmer Park; Oxon Hill – Glassmanor; Silver Hill; Suitland - Coral Hills; and Woodlawn – Lanham.

Applicants for a grant in the Clean Energy Program can satisfy this condition with the address on record as shown on the recent copy of the electric utility bill. To confirm you are in one of the ERC communities, you must look up your address by using the ERC Address Locator: Energy Resiliency Communities (ERC) Address Locator. Please note the ERC Address Locator is the definitive tool for determining the eligibility of an application. You must drill in to ensure your address is in the ERC boundary.

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