Legislative Updates
Learn more about environmental policies, programs, and initiatives in Prince George’s County and how they may affect your household, business, community, and neighborhood.
Bag it Right (Better Bag Bill)
The Prince George's County Council passed legislation in June 2023 (CB-32-2023) prohibiting the distribution of single-use carryout bags to consumers at retail establishments. Effective January 1, 2024, consumers will need to bring their own reusable bags when shopping or be charged at least 10 cents to purchase each paper or reusable bag.
Business Recycling
With the passage of CB-12-2018, the single-stream recycling program expands to include and benefit business entities, as well as additional requirements for commercial and industrial properties. Contact your recycling vendor and processor to determine what materials generated by your business can be collected single-stream.
Coal Tar Sealant Ban
Effective July 1, 2015, it is illegal to sell, use or permit the use of coal tar pavement products on property in Prince George’s County (CB-06-2015). Contractors or property owners that use a coal tar pavement product are subject to a fine of up to $1,000 per day for each violation.
Single-Use Foodware
To reduce waste, starting June 1, 2023, Prince George’s County food service businesses can only provide food service ware to customers upon request or at self-serve stations for ready-to-eat foods. Take-out or delivery orders shall not include accessory disposable food service ware unless specifically requested by the customer in person, on the phone, or online (CB-14-2022).
Multi-family Recycling
Effective July 1, 2014, licensees and owners of all single and multi-family rental facilities and condominiums shall provide an opportunity for tenants to voluntarily recycle designated recyclable material in the same manner as solid waste disposal, including convenient and accessible location with signage (CB-087-2012).
Plastic Straw Ban
Effective July 1, 2020, Food Service and/or Retail businesses in Prince George’s County are prohibited from selling, distributing, or otherwise providing non-compostable straws and stirrers with certain foods or beverages (CB-52-2019).
Residential Recycling
Effective July 1, 2015, plastic bags of any color, size, or shape, and plastic film (resin identification #4) are no longer accepted in the residential recycling.
Expanded Polystyrene (Foam) Ban
Starting July 1, 2016, polystyrene (commonly referred to as foam or "Styrofoam™), polystyrene loose fill packaging (also known as "packing peanuts"), and other foam articles are not permitted for sale or use in Prince George’s County (CB-05-2015).
Special Events Recycling
All organizers of events held in the County must provide clearly labeled recycling containers, next to trash cans, for special events serving food or drink on a public street or space, with 200 or more people expected (CB-08-2017).
Yard Trim Collection
Effective January 1, 2014, residential curbside yard trim collection is no longer accepted in plastic bags.
Effective May 2, 2016, weekly curbside collection of yard trim will be collected year-round on Mondays only.