Rain Check Rebate Program
Alternative Compliance
The Alternative Compliance Program is an elective partnership between Prince George’s County and qualified tax-exempt faith-based organizations or other 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations to improve water quality in the county by treating and reducing polluted stormwater runoff. Under the program, organizations may qualify for a reduction in a portion of their Clean Water Act Fee. An organization must agree to 1, or all, of 3 options available in order to be eligible for the reduction.
Rebates (Practices and Eligibility)
The purpose of the Rain Check Rebate Program is to provide property owners the incentive to invest in stormwater management by installing eligible stormwater management practices on their properties and to help Prince George’s County meet its obligations under the Clean Water Act to reduce stormwater pollution in its rivers and streams. The Program offers rebates for eligible stormwater management practices for residential, commercial and public property.
Stewardship Grant Program
The Prince George’s County Council established the Stormwater Management Retrofit Program to provide property owners with incentives to incorporate stormwater management practices on private property, including rebates for rain barrel installation.
Contractor Training Completion List
The Prince George’s County Rain Check Rebate Contractor Training Completion List identifies those individuals and companies that have completed Prince George’s County’s Rain Check Rebate Contractor Training Course. The classes are not certification classes. They are designed to provide landscape professionals with practical, hands-on information on Prince George’s County’s Rain Check Rebate practices; guidance on practice selection, site assessment and site selection; construction techniques; rebate requirements; and the application process.
The column titled “Rain Check Rebate Practices Offered” lists those practices the company installs, as indicated by the company. View the most recent Contractor Training Completion list here.