Qualified County staff are available at the Dept. of Permitting Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE) to discuss your options and to help you plan and build a safe project while complying with the County Floodplain Management Ordinance.
Building Permits
Building permits ensure safe construction inside and outside floodplains. The Prince George’s County permitting process is designed to ensure that all construction in Prince George’s County is safe. A permit is required for all new construction, and most of the time, you must obtain a permit for repairing or replacing existing features. Before you begin construction or add to an existing building, determine which permits are required by contacting the DPIE.
In addition to regular building permits, special regulations apply to construction in floodways and the floodplain. No construction, including filling, is allowed in the mapped floodway without an engineering analysis that shows the project will not increase flood damage elsewhere. Any activity outside the floodplain but within a natural or man-made watercourse also requires a permit.
Substantial Improvements
Homeowners planning substantial improvements should contact DPIE for a residential building permit. Elevation or floodproofing may be required if you plan to substantially improve your existing structure (the cost of the improvement or add-on is 50% of the value of the existing structure). If your property is substantially damaged (50% of the value of the building), federal regulations may require you to elevate or floodproof before you can rebuild.
Report/Verify Development
To report illegal floodplain development or to verify that proper construction permits have been issued for a project, contact the Prince George’s County Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement. An inspector will investigate.
To verify permits have been issued, use the following free link:
Looksee (case number/property searches)
Or request an MPIA search: MPIA Processing at DPIE | Prince George's County (princegeorgescountymd.gov)
To reach the Inspections Division, call 301-636-3820 option #2