Ten Year Solid Waste Plan (TYSWP)
The State of Maryland requires Prince George’s County to adopt and maintain a comprehensive solid waste management plan that covers at least the succeeding 10-year period pursuant to the requirements of Section 9-507 of the Environment Article, Annotated Code of Maryland. Section 9-515 (b) of the Code further requires the County to prepare the Plan at least once every three years with key considerations such as planning, zoning, and population estimates.
The State of Maryland requires Prince George’s County to adopt and maintain a comprehensive solid waste management plan that covers at least the succeeding 10-year period pursuant to the requirements of Section 9-507 of the Environment Article, Annotated Code of Maryland. Section 9-515 (b) of the Code further requires the County to prepare the Plan at least once every three years with key considerations such as planning, zoning, and population estimates.
The 2024-2033 Ten Year Solid Waste Management Plan (TYSWMP) was adopted by the County Council on April 9, 2024, and subsequently approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) on June 14, 2024. The approved Plan presents the following:
Goals, approaches, and strategies in managing the County’s residential, institutional, and commercial solid waste streams
Current and future disposal capacity needs
Reuse, recycling, composting, and residual waste disposal programs
Public outreach strategies and platforms to enhance the awareness of the public on waste prevention, recycling, and composting

Some highlights:
Over 50% waste diversion rate in CY2022
Key legislations banning the use of single-use plastic bags, expanded polystyrene and plastic straw and stirrer by food services and upon-request which prohibits food establishments from providing disposal service ware, napkins and condiments unless requested by the customer
Completion of the County-wide rollout of the food waste curbside collection program
Ongoing construction of Area C infill project which will extend the life of the County’s landfill to at least 50 years and implementation of resource recovery programs aimed at diverting valuable materials from the landfill
View the 10-Year Solid Waste Management Plan for 2024-2033 here.
For more information, please contact Marilyn E. Naumann, Associate Director, Resource Recovery Division at 301-780-6315.