Business Recycling

Single-Stream Recycling - What Makes it Easy?

Call PGC311 from within Prince George’s County; 301-883-4748 calls from outside the county.
With single-stream recycling, all recyclable materials are placed in the same container. Single-stream recycling provides county businesses with many benefits that include:

  • Using compactors and bailers to consolidate recyclable materials
  • Saving money on recycling and disposal fees
  • Using only 1 container for commercial property owners’ recyclables

Please contact your recycling vendor and processor to determine what materials your business generates can be collected single-stream.

Recycling Plan and Report for Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Family and Businesses

In 2012, the County enacted CB-87, which is legislation addressing recycling for the licensees and/or owners of all multifamily rental facilities and condominiums as well as commercial and industrial properties. Under this law, all owners of multifamily, commercial and industrial properties are to provide the opportunity for the voluntary separation of designated recyclable materials.

Fast forward to 2018, with the passage of CB-12-2018, the recycling program expands to include business entities, as well as additional requirements for commercial and industrial properties.

Read the law and applicable code

If you are:

  • an individual Business Entity, or
  • a Licensee and/or Owner of a Multi-Family Rental Facility or Condominium

If you are a Business Entity and recycling material OTHER THAN the designated recyclable materials, please contact our office,

Recycling is Good Business: Make it Your Business!

Businesses play an important role in Prince George's County's Recycling Program. Approximately one-half of the county's solid waste stream is produced by the business sector. Businesses also account for 2/3 of the county's current recycling rate.

All businesses can recycle. The Department of the Environment Recycling Section will assist your business in implementing a successful recycling program.

If you don't already have one, establish a recycling program at your business or multi-tenant facility. Setting up a program is easy and we can help!

If you already have a recycling program, submit a copy of your Maryland Recycling Act (MRA) Recycling Tonnage Report to the Department of the Environment Recycling Section. Your recycling hauler may also submit the report on your behalf with your business/property name and address listed on the report.

How to Start a Recycling Program

The steps to start a successful recycling program include:

  1. Obtain the support of the executive management
  2. Appoint a coordinator and program monitors to plan and implement the program.
  3. Determine the number of people participating and the types and amounts of recyclables generated.
  4. Discuss the program with local recyclers, and seek quotes from recycling haulers.
  5. Develop an efficient collection system.
  6. Educate all employees.
  7. Purchase items that can be recycled or reused.
  8. Publicize the success of the program.

Call PGC311 for more information.

Important County Legislation

CB-12-2018 Solid Waste Disposal -Commercial Recycling
States that all Prince George's County business owners, tenants, or operators of commercial and industrial properties, including but not limited to offices, stores, hotels, motels, gas stations, restaurants, factories, processing plants, and manufacturing enterprises, shall provide:

  • At least equally sized and equally convenient recycling containers to accompany each trash container on the interior and exterior of the property, including along storefronts.
  • Properties should also include a collection system for the recyclables.
  • A list of items that can be recycled shall be clearly displayed on or near the container.

CB-8-2017 Recycling -Special Events
Requires Recycling receptacles at any event which temporarily or periodically uses a public street, publicly owned site/facility or
public park and serves food or drinks; and is expected to have 100 or more persons in attendance, must:

  • Provide a recycling receptacle immediately adjacent to each trash receptacle at the special event.
  • Ensure that all recycling receptacles are clearly distinguished from trash by color and signage.
  • Ensure that all recyclable materials deposited into recycling receptacles at the special event are collected and disposed of for recycling.
  • Report to the County on recycling activities, as required by the Department of Environment.

CB-87-2012 County Recycling Program
Requires owners of Multifamily, Commercial and Industrial properties to:

  • Provide the opportunity for their tenants to voluntarily recycle designated recyclable materials.
  • Insure all recycling containers display clear signage.
  • Complete an annual recycling report by February 1 of each year.
  • Publicize the recycling program to their tenants.

To view a list of the County's acceptable recycling materials, visit us at


CB-5-2015 Expanded Polystyrene Ban

Prohibits the sale or distribution of food in expanded polystyrene food service products, regardless of where the food will be consumed.

  • A person shall not sell or offer for sale in the County expanded polystyrene food service products.
  • A person shall not sell or offer for sale in the County polystyrene loose fill packaging.


  • Prepackaged soup or other food that a food service business sells.
  • Food or beverages that were filled and sealed in expanded polystyrene containers outside of the County.
  • Materials used to package raw, uncooked or butchered meat, fish, poultry, or seafood for off-premise consumption. 

To learn more, visit the Legislative Updates page