Clear the Curb

Prince George's County has a range of waste collection programs servicing more than 180,000 residents that modernize and streamline our residential collection services. These programs help clear the curb and keep the County clean, healthy, and sustainable.

County residents eligible to participate in our waste collection programs receive a free, wheeled trash, recycling, and compost cart to help ensure items are properly disposed of. All residents pay into a Solid Waste Fund for trash and recycling collections and other County beautification programs.

Our waste collection program also includes a faster and improved bulky trash collection program that accepts up to four (4) bulky trash items during regular trash collection.  

Holiday Waste Collection Schedule

On the following holidays, collections for curbside bulky, regular trash and recycling, food scraps, and yard trim (organics) will not be collected, and facilities will be closed. If a holiday falls on a Monday, all collections, including organics, will slide to one day later in the week.

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth Day (observed)
  • Independence Day (observed)
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day (observed)
  • New Year's Day (observed) 

Trash will be collected, and waste collection facilities will be open on the following holidays:

  •  Day After Thanksgiving (County Employees' Appreciation Day)
  • Native American Day
  • Veterans Day (Observed)
  • Presidents' Day

A new holiday waste collection schedule went into effect on July 1, 2024. Residents should adhere to the schedule when placing their items at the curbside for the above-listed holidays.

Upcoming Holiday Schedules

Curbside Services & Pickup

Pickup Begins at 6 a.m.

The waste collection pickup schedule for compost, yard trim, bulky, regular trash, and recycling begins at 6 a.m. Residents should have their items at the curb to avoid a missed collection.

Trash Collection

The Resource Recovery Division provides trash collection services to approximately 180,000 homes in the county. Citizens and residents in the county-contracted collection areas should place their trash containers at the front curb by 6 a.m. on their regularly scheduled collection day.

Trash Collection

Yard Trim Collection

Yard trim is collected weekly on Monday only, year-round. It includes grass clippings, leaves, small branches, brush, Christmas trees, and food scraps. Effective January 1, 2014, residential curbside yard trim collection is not accepted in plastic bags.

Yard Trim Collection

Curbside Composting

Residents can now get rid of their food scraps on Monday! You can read more about the curbside collection of food scraps and organics here. 

Curbside Composting

Curbside Bulky Trash

If you receive County trash and recycling services, residents can now put up to four bulky trash items at the curb with their regular trash collection—no appointment is needed! Scrap tires and white goods, including refrigerators, air conditioners, washers, dryers, and other appliances, must still be scheduled for pickup through PGC311. 

Curbside Bulky Trash

Residential Recycling

The Resource Recovery Division provides curbside recycling collection for more than 180,000 County residents and citizens.

Residential Recycling

Curbside Electronics Recycling and Scrap Metal Collection

Residents who receive County trash and recycling collection services can schedule curbside electronics recycling and scrap metal collection by appointment only. This service is available every third Monday of the month. You can make appointments online or by contacting PGC311.

Curbside Electronics Recycling Collection

Accepted items include flat-screen TVs, computer equipment, printers, copiers, and fax machines.

Curbside Scrap Metal Collection

Accepted items include metal file cabinets, Baker’s Racks, chairs, framing, end tables, light fixtures (without the bulbs), home décor, rakes, wheelbarrows, and water heaters.

Public Drop-off Convenience Centers

Residents without curbside collection wishing to dispose of trash and/or recycling may use one of the County-owned and operated drop-off facilities:

Recycling/Reuse Alternatives

Consider donating your gently used appliances, clothing, furniture, or other household items to a friend, local charity, or non-profit organization.

Did you know that Prince George's County is a leader in the state of Maryland for recycling and waste diversion? 

Prince Georgians recycle more and trash less in their homes and businesses. Let's keep up the excellent work!  For more information on improving your recycling, contact the Recycling Section within the Resource Recovery Division at (301) 883-3628. View the entire County recycling and waste diversion rates in Maryland (CY21)

Recycling/Reuse Alternatives

Bulky Trash Items

Temporarily Closed at the Landfill

Starting April 15, 2024, the Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill's Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Electronics Recycling (E-waste) drop-off sites are closed until further notice because of construction work.

Standard Bulky Items can be taken to the Brown Station Road Convenience Center at 3501 Brown Station Road, Upper Marlboro, MD, for proper disposal. 

Acceptable & Unacceptable Items

Mobile Disposal Events

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Electronics Recycling (E-waste) can be properly disposed of at one of the monthly mobile events held from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.  

Acceptable Electronics

Acceptable Household Hazardous Waste

Graphic announcing HHW event


Wheeled Carts/Toters

As part of the Clear the Curb waste collection program, residents receive a one-timefree 64-gallon wheeled cart for trash, a free 64-gallon wheeled cart for recycling, and a free 32-gallon green wheeled cart for organics (yard trim & food scraps).

The tight-fitting lid is designed to keep your waste collection items secure and animals out. It is easy to tilt and roll to the curb. 

Contact PGC311 if you need more information.

Wheeled Cart/Toter Information

Contact Us

Call us for collection information.

Phone: PGC311 (301-883-4748)
Hours: Monday - Friday
7 a.m. - 7 p.m. 

Online 24/7 at