Projects - Construction
The Capital Projects Construction Section (CPCS) of the Stormwater Management Division (SMD) facilitates and oversees the construction of Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), to ensure public safety and meet MS4 NPDES permit and TMDL requirements. CPCS’s goal is to construct projects within the original project budget and schedule and in accordance with the approved design plans while complying with applicable federal, state, and local laws. CIP Construction Projects include:
- Water Quality: Projects protect and improve watershed health, protect human health, provide community uplift, and improve aquatic life by reducing pollution in stormwater runoff and satisfying the Impervious Surface Restoration requirements of the County’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. These projects include Bioretention, Permeable Pavers, Rain Gardens, Stream Restorations, Outfall Restorations, Shoreline Restorations, and Stormwater Management Facilities (ponds).
- Storm Drainage Improvement: Projects mitigate and minimize flooding of structures throughout Prince George’s County. Storm drainage systems are newly constructed or existing systems that are upgraded to resolve surface drainage problems affecting County residents.
- Endangered Structure: With the assistance of FEMA Grant funds, these projects, either (1) allow the County to acquire and demolish hazard-prone homes which enables residents to relocate to safer areas, or (2) County conducts Slope stability analysis and develops solutions to prevent and reduce losses to structures.
CPCS projects typically range from 3 months to 1 year in duration and construction costs range from $300,000 to $4 Million. However, some larger CPCS projects may last 2 to 3 years and cost up to $15 million, such as Tinkers Creek Stream Restoration Project.
CPCS oversees construction projects in 3 phases
Pre-Construction Phase
CPCS works closely with the Capital Projects Design Section (CPDS) during the planning and design phases of the project. Project Coordinators attend scoping meetings to determine the project scope and objectives, and review projects at multiple design submittal levels for constructability, cost efficiency, and budgeting.
CPCS is responsible to bid and implement CIP projects on time and on budget within the allotted funds for each Fiscal Year funding. CPCS uses various contract vehicles such as Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDQ) contracts, individual project Information for Bidders (IFB), solicitations, or Design-Build (turn-key) contracts.
Bids are solicited and evaluated for responsiveness and responsibility. For contractors who have not recently performed related work for the Department of the Environment, references are checked regarding the contractor's background, experience, qualifications, and ability to complete the project. The contract for construction is awarded to the qualified bidder. Interested Contractors are required to register with the County’s Office of Central Services (OCS).
Supplier Data Maintenance (Potential Supplier/Supplier):
Send COI to: CAPCOI@co.pg.md.us
Construction Phase
This phase involves several processes:
Preconstruction Meetings: At the start of the construction phase, the CPCS Project Coordinator, the Contractor, and primary stakeholders (residents, other County Agencies, MNCPPC, WSSC, MDE, USACE), meet to discuss the details of the project including any stakeholders concern and accommodations, work hours. the project schedule, and completion date, and the Contractor is issued the Notice to Proceed.
- Contract Administration: Throughout the construction phase, CPCS reviews project submittals, contractor invoices, project schedule updates, and change orders requests that may be required due to differing site conditions and a change in scope.
- Construction Management: CPCS monitors projects during construction to ensure compliance with the approved plans and specifications and directs field changes as needed.
- Project Status Updates: CPCS provides internal tracking of each step of the construction progress.
- Inspection: This important quality assurance and compliance inspection occurs daily during the construction phase until the project is completed. Routine site inspections ensure the work being performed is in compliance with approved plans, permits, schedule and cost.
- Substantial Completion: Once the contractor has completed all components of the project work to the point the project will serve its intended purpose, a joint inspection is performed with the Contractor to verify and generate a punch list of items that remain to be completed and approved prior to final acceptance of the project.
Post-Construction Phase
Once construction is completed and the final inspection has occurred, CPCS ends its management of the project with the following close-out actions:
- Project Document Close-Out: The as-built document, which is the blueprint of the project in its completed form, is printed and a copy archived. All financial records are balanced and finalized.
- Monitoring: For stream restoration projects, CPCS performs post construction monitoring for a minimum of 2 years, or as required by the permit for functionality, structural stability, landscaping, and vegetation.
- Maintenance of County Projects: Usually, CPCS manages a construction project that will ultimately be owned, operated, and maintained by the County. Improvement of public infrastructure projects will be maintained by the Department of Public Works and Transportation. Water Quality BMPs are transferred for ongoing Maintenance Agreement with the Clean Water Partnership (CWP), the Public-Private Partnership between Prince George’s County and Corvias.
- Warranty: At the time the project is determined to be substantially complete, a 2-year warranty period begins. Any defects in construction or materials are the responsibility of the contractor to address. A follow-up site walk-through is performed before the end of the year 1 and 2 periods to verify the project has no defects in workmanship and if any repairs are necessary. Additionally, any landscaping of the project is checked to determine it meets the required survival rates. A Third walkthrough is conducted prior to the end of the 2-year warranty period