Career Staff Firefighters to Remain at the Beltsville Fire/EMS Station During Critical Repairs

Beltsville Fire/EMS Station 831
The Prince George’s County Fire Chief Tiffany Green announced at a community meeting on Tuesday night that Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Department career firefighters will continue to staff the Beltsville Volunteer Fire Station 831 throughout the upcoming period of critical repairs to the building. The Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department, while collaborating with the Prince George’s County Office of Central Services, has procured trailers that will be utilized on-site as functional offices and living quarters.
The delivery and setup of the trailers are expected to take approximately 30 days. During this transition period, the career staff and volunteers will continue to occupy and respond to emergency incidents from station 831 by following a strict protocol to protect the health and safety of all staff—career and volunteers. The following protocols and safety precautions have been established:
- The station will be actively ventilated around the clock.
- The County will install air purifiers throughout the station to maintain acceptable air quality levels.
- Assigned personnel will ensure the proper use of current vehicle exhaust systems.
- The Fire/EMS Department has provided a reserve frontline engine due to a failed exhaust system transmitter on the assigned engine. There may be potential for other areas of diesel exhaust infiltration within the station that we will continue to monitor and mitigate.
- We will continue to monitor personnel for signs and symptoms of illness associated with the identified risks.
Upon completion of the office trailer setup, the firefighters will have a functional and safe workspace to continue to provide uninterrupted service delivery to the community. The Office of the Fire Chief is currently establishing the “Beltsville Fire Station Renovation Committee,” which is comprised of subject matter experts, career and volunteer members, and community representatives. This group will collaborate to ensure the transition period is as seamless as possible. The safety of our members, paired with uninterrupted service delivery to the community, remains our top priority.
For additional information, contact Alan C. Doubleday, Prince George’s County Fire/EMS Department Public Information Director, at