Housing Month
In November 2021, Prince George’s County convened regional housing partners throughout the County to

celebrate Housing Month. This housing-focused public education and awareness campaign heralded important housing milestones we are achieving in the County, focused on engagement opportunities, in a time where the importance of secure, safe, and affordable housing has become even more crucial.
The global pandemic, coupled with ongoing housing challenges in our region, has magnified how much we rely on the people, nonprofits, businesses, and government agencies around us for our individual and societal well-being.
Through in-person/virtual events and invigorating conversations, we brought our community together to learn, engage, and act on how we can work to make housing in Prince George’s County more accessible for all of our residents. We continue to dig into the solutions we are building together. Please refer back to this site often to learn more about future events and programs.
November 8, 2021: Prince George's County Housing Month: Affordability Needs Virtual Policy Convening
November 8, 2021: Prince George’s County Housing Snapshot: Enterprise Community Partners Presentation
November 17, 2021: Prince George’s County Housing Month: Housing as a Racial & Social Justice Issue
November 18, 2021: Prince George’s County Housing Month: HAPGC Bond Program Roundtable Discussion
November 18, 2021: Prince George’s County Housing Month: HAPGC Bond Program Presentation
November 30, 2021: Prince George’s County Housing Month: Role of Philanthropy in Affordable Housing
November 30, 2021: Prince George’s County Housing Month: DHCD ROFR Updates and NOFA
November 30, 2021: DHCD ROFR Updates and NOFA Presentation