Affordable Housing Bond Finance Program
The Housing Authority of Prince George’s County (HAPGC) Affordable Housing Bond Finance Program (AHBFP) provides tax-exempt bond financing that also generates “as-of-right” 4% Federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (“LIHTC”) for multifamily rental housing projects developed by private for-profit and not-for-profit developers/owners.
The goal of the program is to promote affordable rental housing opportunities for low-to-moderate income individuals, families, and seniors through flexible financing that supports a wide range of housing types, including new construction, adaptive reuse of non-residential buildings, and preservation of existing housing units. The program encourages the development of a variety of projects that are responsive to the particular needs of a location and populations within the diverse communities throughout Prince George’s County, including urban, suburban, and rural areas.
For more information contact:
James McGraw
Division Manager - Development, Modernization, and Bond Finance Program
Documents Library
- Affordable Housing Bond Finance Program - Rental Housing Guide (PDF)
- Form 202 - Multifamily Rental Financing Application (Excel)
- Form 203 - Developer's and Sponsor/Owner's Qualifications (Excel)
- Affordable Housing Bond Finance Program Term Sheet and Financing Guide (PDF)