Business Opportunities
The Housing Authority of Prince George’s County (HAPGC) continually strives in its effort to find companies to provide a variety of services, at a competitive price, and in a timely manner. If you or your company is interested in bidding on (HAPGC) projects, please review the information on this site. HAPGC issues invitations for bids (IFBs) and requests for proposals (RFPs) for construction and maintenance projects. We can only consider your company's bid or proposal if you are licensed and meet insurance requirements. Construction firms must also be bonded. In addition, your company must not appear on any state or federal debarment lists. We look for many types of businesses to work as contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers. These include:
- Minority and women owned businesses
- Supplier Development and Diversity Division (SDDD) county certified vendors and suppliers
- Socially and economically disadvantaged businesses
- Small businesses
- HUD Section 3 businesses
Thank you for your interest in providing services to the Housing Authority of Prince George's County (HAPGC).
View applicable certifications for doing business with the county.
Business Opportunities
View open bids for consultants, service providers, contractors, vendors, and suppliers.
Policies & Requirements
Read through our business policies, bidder and contractor requirements, and construction and maintenance requirements.
Training Resources
Access documents that serve as training resources for the Supplier Development and Diversity Division.
Procurement Portal