Housing Approval
Applicants in the Housing Choice Voucher Program may elect to rent from their current owner if the unit meets the established criteria.
- Applicants and participants may be required to pay a security deposit to their prospective landlord and must pay for their own moving expenses and screening fees.
- A signed Request for Tenancy Approval, a copy of the unsigned lease from the prospective owner, proof of paid utility bills on the current unit, and a copy of your written 30 day notice must be submitted to the Housing Authority in order to process an inspection request.
- The Housing Authority will schedule a Housing Quality Standards inspection of the vacant unit and prepare a Rent Reasonableness comparison.
- The Housing Authority will provide to the owner a list of deficiencies found in the unit to be repaired and a date for a re-inspection.
- Once the repairs are made, the inspector re-inspects the unit. If there are no deficiencies the unit passes inspection.
- Once the unit passes inspection and the contract rent is approved including the lease dates and terms, the client will be approved to move into the unit.
- The owner must provide to the inspector a copy of a Rental License issued by the Prince George's County Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement (DPIE) for the prospective unit. At that time, the client and the owner will sign the lease. The owner will sign the Housing Assistance Payments Contract.
Moving Documents
- Notice to Vacate (PDF)
- Request to Move (PDF)
- Steps for a Smooth Moving Process (PDF)