Landlord Recruitment
The Housing Authority of Prince George’s County (HAPGC) wants to partner with landlords interested in renting their unit(s) to individuals and families with Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV). HAPGC is looking for landlords who rent single-family homes and apartment units to join the HCV program.
Housing Choice Vouchers provide rental assistance for low-income families in the private rental market through the HAPGC’s Housing Assistance Payments Program (HAP).
Housing Choice Voucher holders select a unit from the private rental market. The rental assistance provided by HAPGC makes market rate housing affordable for voucher holders. Program participants normally pay no more than 30% of monthly adjusted income towards rent and utilities. The Housing Assistance Payments subsidizes the balance of the rent to the property owner. Guaranteed rent payments are made directly to the landlords’ bank account on time each month.
In order to increase the supply of accessible housing for tenants with Housing Choice Vouchers, the Housing Authority is also seeking landlords who will make their property accessible for voucher tenants with disabilities.
Interested landlords must attend a landlord briefing presented by the HAPGC. These briefings are held every third Wednesday of each month. Landlord must register in advance. Check the Housing Authority website for a list of briefing dates and times.