Rain Check Rebate Program (Environment)
The Rain Check Rebate Program allows property owners to receive rebates for installing stormwater management practices to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff. Eligible applicants can recoup some of the costs for installing approved practices covered by the program. This rebate program was established in 2012 through County Bill (CB-40-2012), and revised in 2014 (CB-86-2014) to clarify the procedures for establishing and implementing the program and subsequent rebates to property owners. The program is administered by the Department of the Environment (DoE).
Learn more about the Rain Check Rebate Program.
Practices eligible for a rebate from Prince George’s County include:
- Cisterns
- Green Roofs
- Pavement Removal
- Permeable Pavement
- Rain Barrels
- Rain Gardens
- Urban Tree Canopy
All practices except for rain barrels must be approved by the county prior to installation, and must follow county installation and design guidelines. The projects listed above are the only types of stormwater retrofits that are eligible for rebates under the Rain Check Rebate Program.
Applicants will not be eligible for a rebate if the project is part of the permit approval requirements for new building construction or renovations, or if the property is located within a municipality that has a similar rebate program for stormwater management projects. Please call 301-883-5810 for more information.
An applicant is eligible for a rebate as long as:
1). The project is implemented on property located in Prince George’s County*
2). The application for the project was approved within 12 months of the completion date
3). DoE inspected the completed project and found it to be in compliance with its original approved application
4). The project follows DoE best practice guidelines and criteria for that type of project
Please call 301-883-5810 for more information.
*The City of Bowie manages its stormwater program independently of the County. Therefore, properties within the City of Bowie are not eligible. The Town of Cheverly, Town of University Park, and the City of College Park offer their own tree rebate programs and therefore properties within these Towns and the City are eligible for all projects except for urban tree canopy projects.