Storm Drainage Maintenance (Environment)
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) can determine if there are sewer or water lines in the vicinity of the sinkholes. If a public storm drain is located in the area, the County can determine if the sinkholes are caused by the storm drain. If the sinkholes are unrelated to WSSC or County lines, it is the property owner's responsibility to find out the cause and make corrections. If an abandoned well or septic system is suspected or discovered, please contact the Prince George's County Health Department.
The County allows this opening to be no more than 7 inches in height. The Department of Public Works and Transportation Office of Highway Maintenance (OHM) can determine if the opening is too large and take any corrective action needed. You may contact the OHM's Customer Service Office at 301-499-8523 to arrange for an inspection of the storm drain.