Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program
The Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program (HCVHP) uses a voucher subsidy that once helped families pay rent to a landlord to be used to now help first-time homeowners to purchase their own home.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Family must be a current participant of the Housing Choice Voucher Program in good standing.
- Family must be a first time homebuyer not having owned a home during the last 3 years.
- Family must have a good rental payment history.
- Family must have had a consistent employment history during the last 12 months.*
- Family must have a minimum annual income of $30,000.*
- Family must have a minimum credit score of 620.
*There is no employment/income requirement for the disabled/elderly population.
To learn more about the program, email hcvhomeownership@co.pg.md.us.