Training & Exercise
An educated and trained citizen is the best defense in any emergency preparedness response and recovery strategy. This site provides various training opportunities for first responder personnel in public safety, emergency management, and homeland security. Check this page often for updated events and training opportunities being offered throughout the County and the region.
Training Opportunities
- Incident Command Training (ICS). Register by linking to National Capital Region NIMS Officers website.
- WebEOC. This is a one-day entry level class designed to teach new WebEOC users how to effectively use and operate the application. Participants will gain a basic understanding of how WebEOC can be used to support all phases of management during a major emergency, disaster, exercise, or event. Also serves as a refresher course.
- CERT. The Community Emergency Response Team program educates participants about how to prepare for hazards that may impact their communities and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations.
- CPR/First Aid. Prince George's County, Office of Homeland Security. bit.ly/OHSCPR1stAid.
- Community Presentations: Have a community outreach team member of Prince George’s County OHS talk with your community group about how to better prepare for emergencies. This presentation is appropriate for homeowner associations, civic groups, businesses, and faith-based groups. Contact OEM Staff
- American Red Cross: The American Red Cross (National Capital Region) offers numerous trainings including CPR/AED and First Aid.
- Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM): MDEM Learning Management System provides all MDEM coordinated, sponsored, and/or led training and exercises throughout the State.
- FEMA Independent Study: The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers on-line, self-paced courses for people with emergency management responsibility, as well as the general public.
Upcoming Classes
Be sure to check this page from time to time for updates and new course offerings.
For more information on any particular class or other training opportunities, contact the Office of Emergency Management.