Local Emergency Planning Committee
The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is a federally mandated entity composed of state and local officials, business representatives, members of the press, and community groups. Under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), LEPCs must develop an emergency response plan, review it at least annually, and inform citizens about chemicals in the community.
The purpose of the Prince George’s County LEPC is to enhance Prince George’s County’s preparedness and response to hazardous materials incidents by involving the government, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and citizens in planning and preparing for such an incident.
The Prince George’s County LEPC will also act as an advisory committee to the Prince George’s County Government regarding emergency preparedness and response for hazardous materials and will fulfill all additional requirements articulated under the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA).
Prince George's County LEPC membership is open to individuals interested in emergency preparedness. The following representatives must be present in the Prince George's LEPC:
- Elected state and local officials
- Law enforcement personnel
- Civil defense personnel
- Firefighting personnel
- EMS personnel
- Health personnel
- Local environment personnel
- Hospital personnel
- Transportation personnel
- Broadcast and print media personnel
- Representatives of community groups
- Owners and operations of facilities that are subject to EPCRA requirements
If you want to join the Prince George's County LEPC, please email or call 301-324-4400 for more information.
LEPC Meeting Information
LEPC meetings provide a forum for public, private, and non-profit collaboration and will also deliver emergency preparedness education.
2024 LEPC Quarterly Meetings
LEPC membership review and quarterly meeting planning are underway.
- September 25, 2024 - 10 am to 11:30 am (In-Person Meeting) at 7915 Anchor St., Landover, MD 20785
- December 18, 2024 - 10am to 11:30am (Virtual Meeting)
Please RSVP via email to esreyes@co.pg.md.us if you would like to attend.
Previous LEPC Quarterly Meetings
Download and read the minutes from the meetings below.