The Office of Homeland Security (OHS)/Administration Division supports the day-to-day functions within the agency and provides human resources management and fiscal management, including procurement and grant administration.
- To meet the needs of both management and personnel, the Human Resources Office oversees the following areas:
- Hiring and Promotional Processes
- Background Investigations & Onboarding
- Compensation
- Attendance
- Time keeping
- Leave
- Health & Safety Compliance
- Risk Management
- Employee Engagement and Performance Management
- Comprehensive knowledge of contemporary personnel laws, rules, policies, procedures, and the PCEA collective bargaining agreement
- Oversight of performance appraisal and performance management processes
- File & records management
- Hiring and Promotional Processes
The Fiscal Office oversees OHS’s General Fund Budget of an estimated $42 million dollars and provides internal controls to manage and track agency funds and expenditures; and performs the management, preparation, and presentation of the annual ENSB 911 audit.
The Grants Office serves as a conduit between the agency and the grantor (Federal or State) by overseeing and ensuring compliance with every aspect of the grants process from inception to closeout and the coordination of compliance activities; and verifies that grant funds are used according to agreed terms and conditions, the processing of reimbursements within established guidelines, and records management of all grant related activity.