Community Trainings & Involvement
There are many ways to get involved, especially before a disaster occurs. The whole community can participate in programs and activities to make their families, homes, and communities safer from risks and threats.
If you are interested in getting involved and learning more about available opportunities, the Prince George’s County Office of Emergency Management can use your skills and talents in the following areas:
- CERTs: Community Emergency Response Teams assist during disasters and volunteer during trainings and exercises. During a disaster or incident, emergency personnel may be overwhelmed by the extent of the incident. CERT teaches the basics of disaster response in a way that encourages citizens to be self-supporting with how they can assist their families and communities. There may be opportunities to assist with the Red Cross, Sheltering, or Warming or Cooling Center activations.
- ARES-RACES: Provides voluntary communications in time of need.
- Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC): Become a part of the community planning process. Connect and collaborate with your local emergency planning group.
- Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Volunteers: There are times when we may request volunteers to assist with Emergency Operations Center Needs.
For more information on volunteer opportunities, please email OEMstaff@co.pg.md.us.