Online Non-Emergency Dispatch Reporting
The Office of Homeland Security/Public Safety Communications is pleased to offer Prince George’s County residents the option to submit an online dispatch request for non-emergency situations. A non-emergency dispatch request will result in the response of Prince George’s County Police, Fire/EMS, or Sheriff personnel to the scene of an actively or recently occurring public safety incident that does not immediately threaten life, safety, or property.
Call 9-1-1 to report crimes in progress, violence, accidents with injuries, fires, medical emergencies, and other emergency situations.
Select an Incident Type to Request Police, Fire/EMS, or Sheriff Response
Incident Type | Definition/Example |
Fireworks | Fireworks causing a disturbance or disruption. |
Disturbance | An act causing a disturbance or sounds causing a disruption - such as loud parties, fireworks, equipment noises, loud music, or other sounds causing a disruption. |
Flooding Inside | A water problem inside a structure, such as a flooded basement or a significant amount of water coming into a structure |
Fraud | Fraudulent activity or attempted fraud – such as scams, unsubstantiated claims for unemployment insurance, use of your identity to apply for a credit card, etc. |
Lost Property | Lost or missing property – such as lost or missing wallet, ID card, credit card, cell phone, vehicle license plate, property left in a store or restaurant, or other items missing from your home or vehicle. |
Parking Complaint | A vehicle(s) blocking access to property or an abandoned vehicle(s) – such as vehicles parked in no parking zones, vehicles blocking driveways, or abandoned vehicles. |
Stuck Elevator | A stuck elevator with passengers inside. If a passenger is having a medical emergency, call 9-1-1. |
Suspicious Person | A suspicious person, vehicle, or situation. This is not a tip line: Call 1-866-411-8477 to submit crime tips or drug activity tips. |
Theft (or Attempt) | A theft or attempted theft of any property, including vehicles - such as credit cards, delivered parcels, cell phones, computers, money, items from a shed/garage, items from inside a vehicle, evidence of a crime failed vehicle theft such as damage to the ignition, ripped housing, a screwdriver or other such object has been jammed into the key slot. |
Traffic Hazard | An impediment in the roadway, something blocking traffic, or issues that prevent the smooth flow of traffic – such as debris in the roadway, traffic light outages, etc. |
Update an Existing Report | Provide additional information to Officers/Deputies for an incident which Police Officers or Sheriff's Deputies have previously responded to and/or taken a report for. |
Vandalism | A vandalism or destruction of a vehicle or property - such as broken windows, keyed vehicles, slashed tires, damaged paint surfaces, broken fences, etc. |
Other Reporting Options
To report other non-urgent situations requiring the dispatch of Police, Fire/EMS, or Sheriff personnel, call the non-emergency dispatch phone number, 301-352-1200. Learn more about the Non-Emergency Dispatch Number.
To obtain general Prince George’s County Information, dial 3-1-1.
Contact the Police Department
To reach Prince George’s County Police or to obtain information from the Police Department, dial 301-516-9777.
To provide information to the Prince George’s County Police Department’s attention but do not need to request the dispatch of police officers, call 1-866-411-8477.
Impounds & Vehicle Tow Inquiries
Please do not call the non-emergency dispatch number to obtain information about a vehicle impound or a vehicle that has been towed. Contact your local Police District Station or call 311 to obtain this information. You may also obtain impound information online.