Non-Emergency Dispatch Number
To request the dispatch of public safety first-responders to a non-emergency situation, dial the non-emergency dispatch telephone number, 301-352-1200. Calling the non-emergency dispatch number allows emergency 9-1-1 calls to be processed quickly while allowing the 9-1-1 Center to efficiently process non-emergency, non-urgent situations that require the dispatch of public safety officials.
- To report a non-threatening suspicious person, vehicle, or situation
- A loud party or noise complaint
- Vandalism or property damage
- To report that you were a victim of a crime that happened in the past and the suspect is no longer on the scene
The same people answering calls to the non-emergency dispatch number are also responsible for answering 9-1-1 calls. As a result, there may be a delay in answering calls on the non-emergency dispatch number. Please note, the non-emergency dispatch number is not equipped to accept text messaging.
A new option has been developed for Prince George’s County residents to submit an on-line request for the non-emergency dispatch of Prince George’s County Police, Fire/EMS or Sheriff personnel for non-emergency incidents. Click Here to learn more.
The non-emergency dispatch number is not an administrative line to reach other public safety agencies or obtain public safety information. Call 301-516-9777 to obtain information on vehicles which have been impounded or towed, report activities that do not require police dispatch, to request police information or to reach the Prince George’s County Police Department.
- Call 9-1-1 to report emergencies only
- Call 301-352-1200 to request the non-emergent dispatch of Police, Fire, EMS or Sheriff
- Call 3-1-1 to obtain general Prince George’s County Government information
- Call 301-516-9777 to reach the Police Department or to obtain information from the Police Department
- Click Here to Access the Vehicle Tow Program