New 9-1-1 Center
On May 3, 2011, Prince George’s County Government successfully moved the Office of Homeland Security Public Safety Communications Division’s operations to the County’s new 9-1-1 Communications Center. The new, state of the art, facility was specifically designed as a 9-1-1 public safety dispatch center and to provide support for the crucial infrastructure associated with taking and processing emergency calls for service.
The new facility houses management, technical, and administrative staff in support of the 9-1-1 and dispatch function;9-1-1 and dispatch personnel, a 9-1-1 and dispatch training academy along with specialized dedicated training and education staff; audio recording FOIA / subpoena personnel; a computer training lab, and 9-1-1 and radio system infrastructure.
The new facility houses management, technical, and administrative staff in support of the 9-1-1 and dispatch function;9-1-1 and dispatch personnel, a 9-1-1 and dispatch training academy along with specialized dedicated training and education staff; audio recording FOIA / subpoena personnel; a computer training lab, and 9-1-1 and radio system infrastructure.
The need for a new 9-1-1 and dispatch center was brought to light in 2005 in the radio communications needs assessment. The consultant performing the assessment pointed out the need for 9-1-1 and dispatch expansion, enhanced security requirements, and the need for additional space to house the new technology associated with a new, state of the art radio communication system. As a result, the County Executive and County Council at the time took steps to ensure funding for a new 9-1-1 and dispatch center. The 9-1-1 center is visited by leaders from around the world and receives high praises for the planning and design of a facility that ensures the highest level of service is provided to the citizens of Prince George’s County and the public safety personnel we support.