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Technical Services Section

The Public Safety Communications Technical Services Section radio staff members assigned to perform duties at the Mobile Technology Center facility in Lanham, Maryland and within the 9-1-1 Center in Bowie, Maryland. Although employees report to one of two different locations, all communications specialists are able to provide technical support at both facilities.

The personnel assigned to the Mobile Technology Center are responsible for the coordination of hand held radio devices and technical equipment installed in public safety and public service vehicles. The equipment includes Mobile Data Computers for the Fire/EMS Department, Office of the Sheriff and Police Department; Motorola APX radio communication equipment; and police in-car video cameras. This radio equipment review resized “one stop shopping” concept makes the Mobile Technology Center one of a kind facility and provides a high level of service to all of the public safety and public service agencies - including the twenty-three municipal police departments.

Public Safety Personnel assigned to the Public Safety Communications Technical Services Section are responsible for providing support for the technology associated with the 9-1-1 Center, to include the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system, 9-1-1 equipment, GIS mapping information, calculated routing programming, the fire station alerting system, and the new fire paging system. Highly trained communications specialists are also responsible for ensuring the functionality of the 21 tower site radio communication network and the Mobile Technology Center backup power systems that can keep the sites operating in the case of a commercial power outages.

The staff in the Mobile Technology Center provides operational and technical support for the Public Safety Mobile Command Unit that is owned and operated by Public Safety Communications. This state of the art command unit provides support to public safety agencies requiring radio communication coordination, command vehicle support and specialized equipment associated with incidents requiring response of the Fire/EMS Department Fire Investigations personnel and Bomb Unit.