21st Century Policing Division
The 21st Century Policing Division is responsible for researching, drafting, editing, and publishing Department General and Special Orders, as well as the review of individual Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Manuals. The 21st Century Policing Division staff ensures that legislation and best practices in law enforcement are reflected in the General Orders Manual and other Departmental directives. Additionally, the staff disseminates policy to employees, provides training to new hires, maintains a liaison with other law enforcement agencies for the purpose of information sharing, and provides periodic Departmental representation on boards and committees, such as the Washington Metropolitan Council of Governments (COG), Maryland Association of Police Planners (MAPP), and the International Association of Law Enforcement Planners (IALEP). The 21st Century Policing Division is also responsible for ensuring that the department obtains and maintains accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).