How to Join the Department
Entry Level Hiring Bonus $10,000 / Experienced Officer Hiring Bonus $15,000
Law enforcement in Prince George's County is a fast paced, rewarding career that truly brings out the best in those who have what it takes to wear the badge. If you are considering a career in law enforcement with the Prince George's County Police Department, please use the outline below to guide you through our hiring and selection process. We anticipate hiring 100 officers between July 2023 and June 2024.
- Familiarize yourself with the Hiring and Selection Process (PDF).
- Review the Applicant Physical Requirement Test (APRT) Score Guidelines (PDF).
- Apply to the Entry Level Police Officer job announcement. Maryland State Certified Officers seeking lateral positions should apply under the announcement for Experienced Police Officers. Non-Maryland State Certified Officers seeking lateral positions should apply under the announcement for Comparative Compliance Experienced Police Officers.
- Schedule yourself for the APRT test. You will need to have a health care provider complete the Doctor's Waiver (PDF). Testing is held Wednesdays at 8:00am and on the third Saturday of each month at 8:00am.
- After you pass the APRT, you will receive an invitation for the Police Entrance Exam with your scheduled date and time. The entrance exam is offered Wednesdays and Saturdays immediately following the Physical Requirement Test.
- After you have completed both the APRT and Entrance Exam, you should begin gathering all information necessary to complete your Personal History Statement in preparation for your initial interview.
You can always contact a Police Recruiter at 301-780-8175 or at Police_Recruiting@co.pg.md.us