Automated Enforcement Program

The Prince George's County Automated Enforcement Program was launched on August 22, 2011. The program is administered by the Prince George's County Police Department's Automated Enforcement Division (AED).

The goal of the program is to increase traffic safety on roadways in Prince George's County using automated enforcement devices that enforce speed limits and red light signals at certain intersections.

Enforcement locations are published on the Police Department's website and in a newspaper of record.

Speed Enforcement

Speed enforcement signs are placed on each roadway with automated speed enforcement cameras.  Citations are issued to vehicles traveling 12 or more miles per hour over the posted speed limit.

These citations are verified by a police officer and a citation notice, to include the vehicle's speed and photographs, is mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle. The citation notice explains how to pay a violation or how to request a hearing in court. Fines are $40 and are civil infractions that do not assess points on a driver's record.

Payment Options

The Prince George's County Police Department's Automated Speed Enforcement Program is undergoing a transition. During this transition, motorists may receive automated speed citations from one of two service providers. If you receive a citation, please ensure that you follow the instructions on the citation.

Automated Speed Enforcement Citation - Modaxo

  • Pay by Web: - You may pay using all major credit cards. You will need the citation number and PIN number from your citation notice.
  • Pay by Phone: Call 1-844-599-7653, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Pay by Mail: Certified check, cashier's check or money order should be made payable to Prince George’s County Maryland and mailed to:
    Prince George's County, Maryland
    Automated Enforcement Program
    P.O. Box 13286
    Baltimore, MD 21203
  • Walk-In Payments: You may pay your fine in person at the Customer Service Center. The office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. expect major holidays. The office is located at:
    6315 Seabrook Road
    Suite 114
    Lanham, Maryland 20706
    The Customer Service Center accepts payments in the form of credit cards, money orders, cash, personal checks and certified checks. Do not send cash or personal checks through the mail.

Automated Speed Enforcement Citation - Jenoptik

  • Pay by Web: - You may pay using all major credit cards. You will need the citation number and PIN number from your citation notice.
  • Pay by Phone: Call 1-833-965-3001, Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM EST
  • Pay by Mail: Certified check, cashier's check or money order should be made payable to Prince George’s County Maryland and mailed to:
    Prince George's County, Maryland
    Automated Enforcement Program
    P.O. Box 750051
    Atlanta, GA 30374-7851
  • Note: The PIN number included on the citation notice is invalid 15 days after the due date shown on the citation. A second notice will be mailed with a new PIN number. The PIN number from the second notice can then be used to pay the citation online. Alternatively, you can call to Pay by Phone if you are more than 15 days past the due date.

Red Light Enforcement

Red light citations are issued to vehicles that enter an intersection against a red signal. 

These citations are verified by a police officer and a citation notice, to include a photograph of the violating vehicle's rear registration plate, is mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle. The citation notice explains how to pay a violation or how to request a hearing in court. Fines are $75 and are civil infractions that do not assess points on a driver's record.

School Bus Stop Arm Enforcement

School Bus Stop Arm Enforcement is an independent program administered by the Prince George's County Public School System. The Prince George's County Police Department's Automated Enforcement Division does not issue School Bus Stop Arm Citations.

Citations are issued to vehicles that pass a school bus when the school bus's stop arm is deployed. These citations are verified by a police officer and a citation notice is mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle. The citation notice explains how to pay a violation or how to request a hearing in court. Fines are $250 and are civil infractions that do not assess points on a driver's record.

Payment Options

  • Pay by Web:
  • Pay by Phone: Call 1-877-504-7080
  • Pay by Mail: Certified check, cashier's check or money order should be made payable to Prince George’s County Maryland and mailed to:      
    Prince George's County, Maryland      
    Automated Enforcement Program      
    P.O. Box 1310       
    Newington, VA 22122


Prince George's County Code

  • Automated Speed Enforcement: Prince George's County Code regulates automated speed enforcement under Section 26-114.01 and Section 26-114.02
  • Automated Red Light Enforcement: Prince George's County Code regulates automated red light enforcement under Section 26-120

Maryland Transportation Article

Speed Monitoring Systems Reform Act of 2014

According to the Speed Monitoring Systems Reform Act of 2014:

"A local jurisdiction that authorizes a program of speed monitoring systems shall designate an official or employee to investigate and respond to questions or concerns about the local jurisdiction's speed monitoring system program."

Prince George's County has designated the Commander of the Automated Enforcement Division as the ombudsman. Ombudsman is defined as "a government official who hears and investigates complaints by private citizens."

Contact the Ombudsman by email

Additional Information

For more information refer to our Frequently Asked Questions. You may also email or call 1-844-599-7653.