Emergency Management
The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) focuses people, plans, and programs to promote a prepared and resilient County.
The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) coordinates the Prince George’s County emergency management program to prepare, prevent, plan, respond and recover from all-hazard events. The OEM develops, maintains, and implements the ability to manage and coordinate emergency operations in cooperation with local, State, and Federal governmental and private sector agencies.
Building a safer future through effective partnerships of local government, emergency services, private sector, volunteer agencies, and the citizens of Prince George’s County to save lives, protect property, and reduce the effects of disasters through preparedness, prevention, planning, response, and recovery activities.
The Office of Emergency Management:
- Provides effective and orderly governmental control and coordination of the County's emergency response to reduce the impact such events may have on Prince George's County residents.
- Prepares and maintains the County's comprehensive Emergency Response Plan providing emergency management planning for the entire County.
- Provides Prince George's County residents, businesses, and non-profit organizations with emergency preparedness education and training necessary to reduce loss of life, minimize property damage, and protect the environment from emergencies and disasters regardless of cause.
- Serves as the liaison and coordinator of State/Federal financial assistance for municipalities and County residents following County declared disasters.
- Staffs and operates the Emergency Operations Center, which is the County's command post during serious incidents and severe weather occurrences.
- Serves as the liaison to the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and other local emergency management agencies and organizations.
- Coordinates the activities of volunteer, public and private agencies in all phases of emergency management (Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation).
- Develops plans and exercises, and coordinates emergency management training for Prince George’s County.
- Assures timely and adequate public warning of potential or imminent disaster events, and provides disaster-related safety information to the public and media.
- Assists Municipalities, County, State, and Federal officials and their respective constituents with disaster preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery programs.
- Provides the public and media organizations with accurate and timely information regarding emergency management programs and issues in Prince George’s County.