Neighborhood Traffic Issues

Is traffic speeding through your neighborhood streets like they were major highways? Does too much traffic cut through your community to avoid traffic jams on nearby major roads?

The Department of Public Works and Transportation's (DPW&T) Traffic Division can offer advice and assistance to help solve community traffic problems. In fact, the Traffic Division has developed a program specifically designed for this purpose.

Neighborhood Traffic Management Program

The Neighborhood Traffic Management Program was developed to address the problems of speeding and excessive traffic volumes on the County's residential streets. It includes a range of potential actions, ranging from educational programs and signage through the installation of physical deterrents such as speed humps and traffic circles.

The Neighborhood Traffic Management Program can greatly enhance the traffic safety and the overall quality of life on Prince George’s County residential streets. To request a study of a particular street, please submit your request through your Home Owners Association (HOA). If you do not have a HOA, please submit your request through your Council member’s office. Please note that the roadway must be at least 1500ft in length to qualify for study. For more information regarding this program, please contact the Traffic Safety Division, Department of Public Works and Transportation at 301-883-5642.