Local Traffic Cameras
The TRIP Center staff installs and maintains real-time traffic cameras for the purpose of monitoring traffic volume and congestion on County roadways. A partnership with the Maryland State Highway Administration's (SHA) Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHART), allows shared access to more than 180 traffic video feeds throughout the region.
DPW&T's Local Traffic Cameras
- Ardwick-Ardmore Road at Pennsy Drive
- Arena Drive at Lottsford Road
- Garrett A. Morgan Boulevard at Morgan Station
- Lottsford Road at Harry S Truman Drive
- Marlboro Pike East System at Donnell Drive
- Marlboro Pike at County Road
- Marlboro Pike at Forestville Road
- National Harbor Boulevard at American Way
- National Harbor at Waterfront Street
- Old Alexandria Ferry Road at Malcolm Road
- Old Branch Avenue at Kirby Road
- Paint Branch Pkwy at MFRI
- Ritchie Road at Walker Mill Road
- Sheriff Road East at William Paca Elementary
- Walker Mill Road at Rochelle Avenue
View a feed of local traffic cameras.
Camera Tour
- Around Redskins Stadium
- Marlboro Pike Corridor
- National Harbor