Train (Metrorail)
There are currently 15 Metrorail stations in Prince George's County.
- Capitol Heights (Blue Line)
- Addison Road (Blue Line)
- Cheverly (Orange Line)
- Landover (Orange Line)
- New Carrollton (Orange Line)
- West Hyattsville (Green Line)
- Prince George's Plaza (Green Line)
- College Park (Green Line)
- Greenbelt (Green Line)
- Southern Avenue (Green Line)
- Naylor Road (Green Line)
- Suitland (Green Line)
- Branch Avenue (Green Line)
- Morgan Boulevard (Blue Line
- Largo Town Center (Blue Line)
SmarTrip© - Metrobus and Metrorail also accepts SmarTrip© cards - permanent, rechargeable farecards.
SmartBenefits - SmartBenefits are available to employees of Federal and private sector employers who participate in this program.
More Information
For additional information concerning the SmarTrip card, the SmartBenefits Program, senior and disabled fares, hours of operation, schedules, parking, transfers, passes and fare information, visit the WMATA website or call on 202-637-7000 (TDD 202-638-3780).