RideSmart Commute Options
There are several ways to get around the County!
- Walk or Run to Work
- Bike to Work
- Bike & Microtransit
- Train
- Drive Together in a Car or Vanpool
- Telework / flexible schedule
Walk/Run to Work
If your organization is located in an area where employees could walk or run for any part of the trip, there are many ways you can support them!
- Provide showers and lockers for active commuters to freshen up before starting the workday.
- Consider a subsidy for shoes or other gear (a post-tax benefit, but you may be able to offer additional items through your health insurance provider).
- Promote the incenTrip app so they can earn rewards for their commute and the Guaranteed Ride Home program so that they can use up to four free rides home per year if they walk or run to work and have an unexpected emergency they need to deal with.
The RideSmart Commuter Solutions team can help you build a program that helps employees commute by walking or running. Contact us at info.pgcridesmartsolutions@co.pg.md.us or 301-883-5656 to get started!
Bike to Work
Building a robust commuter benefits program includes supporting employees who walk, run, or bike for part or all of the commute. Here are a range of ideas to consider:
- Become a Capital Bikeshare Corporate Member and provide a discounted annual membership of $25-50 to your employees.
- Install lockers and shower facilities to support employees who walk, run or bike to work.
- Install bike parking racks, lockers, and cages for secure, weather-proof bike parking.
- Supply bike repair stations, tire pumps, patch kits, or bike gear lending library.
- Consider offering a perk to employees who do not use another commuter benefit, like reimbursement for bike tune-ups or biking/walking gear.
Need more ideas? Check out the Commuter Connections Bicycling to Work Guide for Employees and Employers.
Did you know that bikes can be loaded on the front of Metrobus and TheBus fixed route vehicles? And, you can bring your bike on Metrorail - learn more here.
Integrating active commuting options into your health and wellness plans can be an easy way to encourage healthy commuting.
RideSmart Solutions can help you establish a bike commuter program. Email us at info.pgcridesmartsolutions@co.pg.md.us or call 301-883-5656 to get started.
Take the Train!
There are several rail options to get you to Prince George's County, including major employment centers.
- Metrorail: There are 15 Metrorail stations within Prince George's County - visit the Metrorail website for routes, service information, maps, and more!
- MARC: There are 8 MARC stations on the Camden (Mon-Fri) and Penn (Mon-Sun) Lines in Prince George's County that connect to Washington, DC, and the Baltimore area. Visit the MD Transit Administration website for schedules, fares, and maps.
- Amtrak: The Northeast Regional Amtrak line stops at New Carrollton station in Prince George's County and offers many connections to Washington, DC, Virginia, and Baltimore and points north. Visit the Amtrak website for schedules, fares, and maps.
Commuter Program Savings
The 2022 limit for pre-tax and/or subsidized public or private transit benefits is $280 per month.
Make sure you take full advantage of any commuter savings offered through your employer! Talk to your Human Resources or Benefits Manager today to enroll or ask them to start a program!
If you're an employer, set up your transit benefits program today - use the free SmartBenefits platform, or if you use a third-party administrator for employee benefits, ask if they can also administer transportation benefits. Remember - most employers can claim 50% of the cost of providing a subsidy through the MD Commuter Tax Credit. Check out our employer benefits page for more information.
Guaranteed Ride Home
If you use transit for your commute, make sure you enroll in the free Guaranteed Ride Home program - if you have a personal or family emergency while at work, or unscheduled overtime, you can get a free ride home.
Advanced registration is required - sign up before you need it at www.commuterconnections.org.
Carpool or Vanpool
Save more money, stress, and time by sharing your drive with others. Shared driving arrangements can be made for 2-4 people as a carpool or 5-12 people as a vanpool.
Telework & Flextime
Telecommuting makes staying home the easiest way to go to work. Options include working from home or satellite work centers, also known as telecenters, which are equipped with multiple workstations and office support. Millions of people go to work simply by picking up their phones or turning on their computers - saving themselves and their companies millions of dollars. Need guidance on establishing a telework program? Check out these guides from Commuter Choice Maryland and Commuter Connections.
Alternative Work Schedules
The most common time-management options for employers are variable work hours (also called flextime) and compressed workweek schedules. Flextime programs, in which employees are given the option of adjusting their arrival and departure times, are proven ways to reduce congestion at peak travel times. Compressed work schedules (such as four, 10 hours-a-day work week) can eliminate one day a week of commuting for many employees.
Flextime Rewards
You may be eligible to enroll in Flextime Rewards and earn $8 for each trip that you delay or avoid peak congestion time travel in these specific corridors:
- I-495 inner loop between VA-267 and I-270 Spur
- I-495 outer loop between I-95 and MD-193
- I-66 eastbound at VA-267
- DC-295 southbound at Benning Rd.
Visit the Commuter Connections website to learn more and enroll.