
Paratransit Service for Visitors
Visitors to the Prince George’s County, Maryland jurisdiction who are unable to use the accessible TheBus transit service or other local bus and rail service because of their disabilities, are eligible to use the County Call-A-Bus service for 21 days in a rolling 365 day period. To apply for visitor's status please have the current paratransit provider mail, fax, or email verification to our office. In order to process the request we will need to obtain the following information:

  • Applicant's full name
  • Applicant's full address and phone number
  • Applicant's paratransit ID number and expiration date
  • Type of disability
  • Type of mobility aid used, if applicable
  • Authorized a Personal Care Assistant (PCA)
  • If applicant uses a service animal

If the visitor does not have paratransit in their home area, they will need to have their healthcare provider provide a certification of the disability. We will also require the applicant to provide items 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 above. Once we receive the information we will enter the applicant into our system and mail an authorization letter and instructions on how to use our service to you. Alternately, we can email a PDF copy of the authorization letter to the customer home or work email address if supplied. In order to provide adequate time to process, it is recommended that the visitors request visitor's status at least 3 weeks before their visit.