Carpool or Vanpool
Free Ridematching
Save more money, stress, and time by sharing your drive with others. Shared driving arrangements can be made for 2-4 people as a carpool or 5-12 people as a vanpool. See the steps to follow and a handy table that explains important differences.
First, Find Your Co-Commuters!
- Check out the free Commuter Connections ridematching site at www.commuterconnections.org or get the app (android / iOS) to see your potential matches on the map. You can even narrow down your search to just commuters in your workplace.
- Real-time ridematching is also possible with the CarpoolNow app (android / iOS)! You can request a ride, or if you're a driver, you can offer a ride and earn $10 each day when you make a commute match through the app.
- Interested in vanpooling? Visit Commute with Enterprise to learn more about this option and find even more potential ridematches.
Then, Enroll in Rewards Programs!
'Pool Rewards Pays!
If you're sharing your drive to work, don't forget to enroll in 'Pool Rewards program! New carpool arrangements could earn $130 per month for the first three months and new vanpools earn $200 per month for the entire length of the lease!
Guaranteed Ride Home
Don't forget to enroll in the free Guaranteed Ride Home program to get home quickly if you or your driver have a personal or family emergency or unscheduled overtime. Advanced registration is required - sign up today at www.commuterconnections.org.
Employer/Workplace Programs
Vanpool fares can be offered as a benefit from employers to employees pre-tax, subsidized, or both; the 2022 limit allowed by the IRS is $280/year. If your employer participates in SmartBenefits or another third-party administrator for commuter benefits, make sure you take advantage of these important savings. Employers may also be eligible for the MD Commuter Tax Credit for offering subsidized vanpool benefits.
Employers can also support carpool and vanpool programs by offering preferential parking spaces and providing a discount if employees pay for parking.
Incentrip Rewards Your Ridesharing!
If you're sharing your drive in a carpool or vanpool, make sure to log your rides using the free incenTrip app for Android and iOS. You'll earn points that turn into big rewards for your commute.
Carpool or Vanpool?
Carpool | Vanpool | |
Vehicle | Personally-owned vehicle | Leased vehicle (learn more) |
Number of Riders | 2-4 | 5-12 |
Cost per Person | Varies; usually costs are split | Varies widely depending on number of riders, distance, and vehicle; lease costs are split |
Pre-tax or Subsidies? | Not currently; employer subsidy is considered a taxable benefit | $280/month pre-tax and/or employer provided subsidy |
Additional Financial Rewards | 'Pool Rewards $130/month for the first 3 months | 'Pool Rewards $200/month for the length of the lease |
Commitment | Can start/stop at any time | Month-to-month lease can be cancelled with 30 days' notice |