Growing Green with Pride LitterTrak
PGCLitterTrak Training Workshops
- Tuesday, October 3, 2023 ............................... 6pm to 7pm
- Tuesday, October 10, 2023 ............................. 6pm to 7pm
- Tuesday, October 17, 2023 ............................. 6pm to 7pm
The Department of the Environment (DoE) designed PGCLitterTrak to assist County residents, community organizations and businesses in reporting trash and debris collected during individual and group cleanup events.
Information submitted through PGCLitterTrak including bags of litter removed, items collected and litter pick-up locations will assist DoE meet their trash reduction rate of 170,628 pounds per year within the Anacostia River Watershed.
Data provided will also help DoE develop real-time maps cataloging litter collected throughout the County.
LitterTrak Information
PGCLitterTRAK is a smartphone application, developed by the Prince George's County Department of the Environment (DoE)